Prototyping with HTML/CSS/JS

Industry 4.0 is no longer just a project of the future, but many large and small companies are in the direction of restructuring their business accordingly. The networking of systems allows companies to react quickly and effectively in the market, reduce errors in production, document large amounts of data and generally simplify processes. Even small stores and workshops will soon be no exception. Just like home automation, digitalization and networking is developing in the industrial sector. According to this description, we have chosen the topic “Industry 4.0 in the context of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Sciences” in the project Application Design II. The goal of this project is to equip the workshop of the university or the CNC and laser machine with sensors, so that the machines can be monitored and operated remotely with a web application.

Machines Position in building

Network Architecture



Widget Thumbnail System


Widget Layout

Displaying the Values

Main Interface

Application Design II
Interaction Design
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Sommer 2018

Mentor: Jonathan Bölz
Project college: Ekaterina Buryak