Letter to the Human Device

Dear control panel,
we have known each other for over half a year now, but you still seem like a stranger to me. Despite the long time we have spent, your secrets may not reveal themselves to me. I wish you were easier to see through. Can’t you see that your attempt to be deep and complex is driving us further and further apart? I like how you pull back in a room, but sometimes you need to communicate your desires better. I’m sorry, but I feel like this just isn’t working out between us. I’m sorry, we have to break up.


The concept is based on the use of soft keys. This allows different functions to be assigned to the keys during operation. Furthermore, this concept gave rise to the idea of dividing the main menu into panel settings and room controls.

Prototype (clickable)

Prototyping with Adobe Illustrator und Marvel

Interaction Design
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Sommer 2017

Mentor: Thomas Techert
Project college: Lina Stadelmaier, Ekaterina Buryak, Lea Kramer