Prototyping with Adobe Illustrator & After Effects

The central axis of a user-centered design is built largely on the basis of a focus on the parameters and files to be achieved through direct contact between the design team and the user at various stages of a design process. This is not a one-time step in a particular design phase. User interviews take place regularly during the design process using a variety of methods.
From the research phase of a UX project to the development of a business model, multiple phases are conducted by multiple “UX designers.” In each phase, the unclear areas of the project or the secondary problems are methodically identified and solved. The most time-consuming phases of a UX design project include “user observation” methods and the associated “defining the point of view”.
The principles of this software, one imagines, can be helpful not only for the designer. Other disciplines such as journalism, psychology and criminal work, etc. can benefit from it. For they too have much protocol work to do. This work is often passed on to case workers who do nothing but type up a spoken text/video. Interviews have shown that other professions would also enjoy this software adapted to their needs.




Final Screen

For more details please review the documentation below.

Design focus
Interaction Design
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Sommer 2019

Mentor: Prof. Hans Krämer
Project college: Ekaterina Buryak